
Hu-Friedy Esthetics



Apply, spread and sculpt composite for your restorative patients with our wide variety of composite instruments. Ranging from our standard line of composite instruments with stainless steel blades to our assortment of XTS instruments with AlTiN coating and sandblasted handle and all the way to the premium Akro-Flex with its super flexible NiTi working ends, our composite instrument portfolio has all the instruments you need to create beautiful restorations.

Composite instruments


CompoSculp instruments were designed by Dr. Didier Dietschi with the intention of aiding clinicians in achieving superior esthetic restorations. The CompoSculp kit is comprised of five complementary composite instruments for both anterior and posterior restorations.

Postererior Case Study
Anterior Case Study

Composculp smooth handles

Minimally Invasive

These instruments have exceptionally fine working ends that aid in the clinician when working under a magnifying glass or microscope. Designed for both minimally invasive and microscopic dental procedures, these instruments can be used up to magnification of 25x.

Minimally invasive instruments


Hu-Friedy’s 48 clamps, made in the USA from proprietary stainless steel, provide full-mouth coverage. These clamps feature satin steel that resists corrosion while also aiding in flexibility and memory. Their dark coating allows for improved intraoral contrast and visual acuity while the matte finish decreases light reflection and glare.

The Importance of Isolation Video

Isolation clamps


These aesthetic gauges – proportion, crown lengthening and sounding –can be used to define ranges of individual tooth size, helping to guide the dentist when diagnosing and treating patients.

Aesthetic gauges


Hu-Friedy works with over 600 global key opinion leaders ... and counting. They attend the dental conventions and share their wisdom with professionals, and they also collaborate with us on new products or instrument kits. Their names are recognizable and their work is renowned, they are the leaders of the dental community. Hu-Friedy is honored to be in close association with these Key Opinion Leaders, and it is a pleasure to present them to you as individuals full of life, character, and vision. Spend some time getting to know them. They not only impact the way Hu-Friedy shapes, designs, and produce some of its groundbreaking products and innovations, but they also have magnetic personalities worth exploring.