Getting Back Up, Bouncing Back Higher, and the Power of Optimism ecervello@hu-f… Tue, 06/16/2020 - 11:31

An Interview with HuFriedyGroup President Ken Serota

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to have an outsized impact on dentistry, HuFriedyGroup has been at the forefront of providing infection prevention solutions to help dental professionals and clinicians get back to work safely.


Prevent Infections with these Helpful Tips

Revisit our most popular infection prevention blogs, webinars, and eBooks for advice, resources, and reminders to help ensure a safe environment for your patients and staff

If you've been watching the news you know that infection prevention is top of mind. Moreover, it’s still flu season, and the CDC estimates that there have been between 32 and 45 million cases of the flu from October through the third week in February.

Getting A Dirty Job Done. The Easy Way! Wed, 11/15/2017 - 16:32

Quick tips to make your instrument processing thorough and safe

If you've ever watched the reality television show Dirty Jobs, you've probably concluded that dirty jobs are fun to watch or learn about, but not to do. However, these so-called "dirty jobs" play vital roles in society, keeping a world on the move going. When you think about it, especially on a microscopic level, instrument reprocessing is a dirty job, too, with countless microbes and organic debris being removed from the surfaces of instruments.