
Our 10,000 dental instruments and product solutions are sold in over 100 countries, and we have over 900 employees representing and growing our brand around the world. Headquartered in Chicago, we have offices and distribution centers in Italy, Germany, China, and Japan, and a sales force spread over 30 different countries.

Hu-Friedy’s mission is the same today as it has always been – to help dental professionals perform at their best. In order to do that, we have to be at our best, too, because better dentistry starts with us - and we take that responsibility very seriously.


All You Need is Love: A Powerful Story of Finding Support and Compassion in the Dental Industry

An interview with Jenna Rose Lowthert on finding inspiration through tragedy with the support of her colleagues and patients

Dental professionals deal with emotion every day, like the all-too-familiar patient that is anxious or fearful about their visit. But, as with any tight-knit team, dental professionals must also empathize with the emotions of their colleagues in times of personal triumph or tragedy. When focusing on the daily minutiae of the practice, it's easy to forget that colleagues, like all humans, are a product of their life experiences and backstories.

Defining a Hu-Friedy Master ecervello@hu-f… Wed, 11/07/2018 - 15:48

Take a look at the incredibly talented men and women who ensure that your tools keep you performing at your best.

meet the masters artisan instrument manufacturersAn artist, performer or player of consummate skill, that is the definition of a “master” according to Merriam-Webster.


Sharp Tips for Maintaining Your Scalers

Sharp Tips for Maintaining Your Scalers 

The worldwide pop culture phenomenon is back, and it’s taking another bite out of your calendar this week. That’s right, SHARK WEEK is making its annual appearance. You probably already know this if you’ve been seeing sharks all over your televisions. In 2016, we were inspired by Shark Week and discovered a unique dental connection to this tradition. What does a shark and dentistry have in common, you ask?


Why All The Root Canal Hate?

Saving Smiles with Modern Endodontics

Root canal treatment forcepsContemplating Root Canal Awareness Week got me thinking about the profound strides the field of endodontics has taken over recent decades, juxtaposed with the considerable distance it still must traverse—particularly in reshaping its perception among both patients and dental professionals.