Infection Prevention Quiz

Infection Prevention - Check your facility's safety

Infection prevention is the cornerstone of every successful dental practice. While transmission of infectious agents and diseases in the dental setting is rare, it does happen, which is why it’s critical to continually reinforce the importance of best practices and industry standards. Use this short quiz to determine which areas your facility could improve upon. Then, you can choose to have one of the experts from HuFriedyGroup reach out to share any insights and expertise.


  • Current Practice Information
  • Assessment
  • Review
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Let us know if you are interested in being contacted to discuss your results with one of our HuFriedyGroup representatives:
The Infection Prevention Quiz is based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings – 2003.MMWR2003;52(No.RR-17). HuFriedyGroup is providing a limited scope sterilization observation opportunity for its customers. This observation should not be considered an audit or a certification. Each practice is ultimately responsible for the safety of its patients, which depends on using proper supplies, equipment operating within the manufacturer's specifications, and adherence to appropriate standards in every instance. HuFriedyGroup is unable to verify the quality of the water supply, or to validate the performance of any supplies or equipment not manufactured by HuFriedyGroup. HuFriedyGroup is providing information obtained from the federal CDC. State and local requirements may be more stringent and should be consulted.