Sustainability and ESG at HuFriedyGroup

At HuFriedyGroup, we are dedicated to sustainability. By taking purposeful actions across our business, we aim to align our operations with our core values for the benefit of all our stakeholders. Our mission is to be a trusted, purpose-led organization committed to environmentally responsible and inclusive growth. We strive to be Best in Practice for ESG and sustainability by continuously improving our performance in areas vital to our customers, patients, associates, and communities.

Good Governance
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Environmental Stewardship
Community Impact
Education & Engagement


To create day-to-day operational accountability for ESG and sustainability, we leverage strong policies and empower our associates to lead.

At HuFriedyGroup, the passion and dedication of our employees is what propels our ESG and sustainability initiatives forward. That is why we've established two employee-led subcommittees. Our aim is for every voice to be valued and heard, and for all perspectives to contribute to our collective success.

HuFriedyGroup's Good Governance image illustrating the company's commitment to sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusivity, and the integrity of their operations, as driven by their employee-led subcommittees.
  • The HuFriedyGroup sustainability subcommittee brings together leadership, sales, operations, product management, and marketing to steer our environmental stewardship priorities and activities.
  • Our DE&I subcommittee is a space where associates collaborate to promote and implement initiatives that support diversity, equity, and inclusivity within the organization.
  • All associates receive workplace training underpinning our core commitment to integrity — how we are trustworthy, honest, and carry out our work in a professional, ethical, and legal manner.
    • Business partners can visit our corporate compliance center to download key policies on business ethics, labor and human rights, and more.
DE&I at HuFriedyGroup is a movement that helps us achieve our core commitments to people, teamwork, and integrity.

The HuFriedyGroup DE&I Subcommittee is committed to maintaining and deepening workplace practices which foster a culture of mutual respect and equal opportunity. Some of our priorities include:

Image of a female dentist in a dentist's office, using a tablet, symbolizing HuFriedyGroup's DE&I Subcommittee's commitment to promoting diversity, fostering an inclusive culture, and ensuring equity in the workplace.
  • Promoting a diverse workforce by actively recruiting and retaining individuals from underrepresented groups.
  • Implementing policies and practices that foster an inclusive workplace culture where all employees feel valued, respected, and supported.
  • Identifying and preventing potential systemic barriers to equity which can include biases in hiring, promotion, and decision-making processes, to ensure fair opportunities for all employees.
    • Learn more about our policies on supplier diversity and how we safeguard human rights in our supply chains.
HuFriedyGroup aims to ensure that our products and manufacturing operations leave the lightest possible footprint on the natural environment we all share.

We take purposeful steps to measure and improve our environmental impact across the full product life cycle: from the materials and energy we use in our state-of-the art manufacturing facilities to how we help dental practices reduce waste.

Image of a female dentist in a dentist's office, using a tablet, representing HuFriedyGroup's commitment to environmental sustainability in their products and operations, as guided by their Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee.
  • The HuFriedyGroup Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee is our center of excellence for promoting environmental stewardship both internally and externally.
  • We screen, identify, and implement new initiatives to improve efficiency in our own operations and by partnering with dental practice leaders.
  • Recent initiatives include single-use packaging reduction audits, new paperless workflows, and internal education on a comprehensive slate of sustainability issues.
    • Learn more about our Environdent TM Instrument Recycling Program - the longest running instrument recycling program in the dental industry.
    • Learn more about EverCare Scaler Sharpeing Service by Hu-Friedy, a cutting-edge scaler sharpening service that prevents waste while improving time and financial efficiency for busy dental practices.
The economic success and vitality of the communities where we live, work, and play is essential to our continued success as an organization.

Since our founding in 1908, HuFriedyGroup has maintained a commitment to philanthropy. We support initiatives and causes across health care, education, and the environment. With more than 800 associates in communities in 100+ countries worldwide, our platform for positive impact has never been greater. Ways we give back:

Image of HuFriedyGroup logo, symbolizing the company's commitment to economic vitality, philanthropy, and community impact in healthcare, education, and environmental sectors, through initiatives such as nonprofit partnerships, STEM career opportunities, and infection prevention education.
  • Donating our time, talent, and financial resources through partnerships with inspiring nonprofit organizations.
  • Offering a variety of STEM career paths (science, technology, engineering, and math) including local apprenticeship and professional development opportunities.
  • Educating our communities on the importance of infection prevention and dental hygiene through sponsorships of dental industry organizations and continuing education programs.
Together with our stakeholders, we aim to make a positive difference in health and well being outcomes for dental patients worldwide.

HuFriedyGroup stakeholders include our customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, investors, and other partners. To make a positive difference in health outcomes, we invest millions of dollars in educational outreach and professional development.

Image of a diverse group of HuFriedyGroup stakeholders, representing the company's commitment to improving health and wellbeing outcomes for dental patients worldwide through initiatives such as Greenlight online infection prevention portal, Friends of Hu-Friedy educational resources, and original research and development.
  • Improving patient safety by educating dental professionals on compliance best practices through our GreenLight Dental Compliance Center - an online infection prevention portal.
  • Sharing educational resources through Friends of Hu-Friedy including articles, new research, and continuing education (CE) credit opportunities in critical areas including dental waterline safety, instrument management, and infection prevention.
  • Offering dental professionals free continuing education courses through live hands-on programs and both live and on-demand webinars.
  • We conduct original research and development to engineer new solutions to emerging health and sustainability challenges.
  • Providing best-in-class resources so clinicians can create the safest environment possible inside their practice to ensure patient staff and patient comfort.