Clear Collection™ Instruments for Clear Aligners
Clear Collection™ Instruments for Clear Aligners
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Clear Collection™ - The Clockwise Wedge
The Clockwise Wedge is used to produce a wedge-shaped indent in an aligner at th...

Clear Collection™ - The Eraser
The Eraser is designed to reverse or remove unwanted indents placed by other ins...

Clear Collection™ - The Precision Aligner Punch™ Instrument
The Precision Punch creates a cut-out along the posterior buccal and lingual gum...

Clear Collection™ - The Counter Clockwise Wedge
The Counter Clockwise Wedge is used to produce a wedge-shaped indent in an align...

Clear Collection™ - The Hole Punch, 6mm
Creates half-moon cutouts for relief of clear aligners around bonded buttons use...

Clear Collection™ - The Spot
The Spot creates a tiny rounded dimple for spot contacts to accent small individ...

Clear Collection™ - The Vertical
Emphasizes over-correction of rotations by producing an indentation at the mesia...

Clear Collection™ - The Horizontal
Produces an indentation to accent individual root torque.

Clear Collection™ - The Tear Drop
Creates a notch at the gingival margin of clear aligners anywhere elastic hooks ...

Clear Collection™ - The Petite Punch
The Petite Punch cuts a 4.5mm half-moon cutout for relief of clear aligners arou...

Clear Collection™ - The Multi Punch
Creates a cutout on the tough-to-access occlusal aspect of clear aligners to acc...