Instrument Management and Infection Prevention Resources

Dental infection control has never been more important in creating a safe and healthy practice environment. Explore the resources below to learn more about compliance guidelines and how to keep you, your patients and your practice safe.

CDC Dental Infection Prevention and Control
CDC dental infection prevention and controlvisit website
the 2003 guidelines (most recent)visit website
CDC Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care (2016)visit website
For more information regarding safe injection practices in dentistry, the CDC provides additional information to help remind dental practitioners of the safe practices to follow to ensure worker and patient safety.visit website
Association for Dental Safety (ADS)
The ADS website delivers the latest information on infection control, safety and morevisit website
you can also view ADS's video "from policy to practice: ADS's interactive guide to the CDC guidelines"visit website
ADS- If Saliva Were Redvisit website
Practice Safety and Patient Education
infection control news – how to address patient safety concerns
dr. john molinari - november 2013
patient safety checklist - what to look for in a dental office
mary govoni - november 2013
assessing your infection control protocols
mary govoni - november 2013
conversation scripts for dental teams, response to infection control breaches
november 2013
Ontario Canada Practice Safety and Patient Education
RCDSO- Standard of PracticeDownload
Infection Control News – How to Address Patient Safety Concerns
Dr. John Molinari - July 2017
Conversation Scripts for Dental Teams, Response to Ontario Canada Infection Control Breachese
July 2017
Patient Safety Checklist - What to Look for in a Dental Office
Mary Govoni - July 2017
State Infection Control Guidelines
to learn more about your state's infection control guidelines, please visit the american dental association (ada)visit website
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
OSHA standards related to dentistry and related OSHA Safety and Health TopicsVisit Website
Dental licensure maps
Find information about initial licensure, licensure by credentials, CE and renewal requirements, and specialty licensure for each state and territory. 
Visit Website
More information about OSHA approved state plansVisit Website
Employee Continuing Education Requirements by State
Provided by the ADA, this document outlines the CE requirements for Dentists for each state.Download
Provided by the Dale Foundation, this link provides access to the CE Requirements for Dental Assistants for each State.Download
Educational Articles and Materials
Infection Control & Compliance
Every Day Infection Prevention, But Not an Everyday Solution
John A. Molinari, PhD
HuFriedyGroup Blog – May 2020
Infection Control – Risk Reduction and Compliance in the Dental Office
Fiona M. Collins, BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA
Noel Brandon Kelsch, RDHAP, MS
Dental Learning – February 2020
3 Common Infection Control Questions Answered
John Molinari, PhD
Dental Products Report - October 2019
Safety Documentation in Dental Practices: OSHA and CDC
Mary Govoni, MBA, RDH, CDA
Dentistry IQ - October 2019
Can You Pass These 10 Safety Challenges?
Olivia Wann, JD, RDA
March 2017
Creating a culture of safety in dental practice settings
Mary Govoni, MBA, RDH, CDA
Dental Economics—February 2018
Back to basics: Infection control and prevention
Olivia Wann, JD, RDA
September 2016
Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: What Every Clinician Must Know
Marie T. Fluent, DDS
July 2016
Infection Prevention and Instrument Processing Guidelines (IMS-235)
July 2016
Creating a culture of safety in dental practice settings
Mary Govoni, MBA, RDH, CDA
Dental Economics—January 2018
A summary of the 'Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care'
Marie T. Fluent, DDS
May 2016
A Infection Control in the Dental Office: Compliance Revisited
Marie T. Fluent, DDS
October 2013
A Patient's Perspective
Noel Kelsch
September 2012
instrument Management System Cassettes
Top 5 Reasons Your Dental Practice Should Consider Instrument Cassettes
Karen Daw, MBA, CECM
Dentistry IQ – June 2020
Instrument Management Systems
Katherine Schrubbe, RDH, BS, M.Ed, PhD
May/June 2020, EGP
Time is Money
Olivia Wann, JD
January 2020, Dental Economics
Can't Touch This!
Olivia Wann, JD
Dentistry IQ - June 2019
Cassettes: Safety and Efficacy Considerations
John A. Molinari, Ph.D. NNOHA
March 2018
Why I Use IMSDownload
IMS Efficiency GP Issue 1 2018Download
Why I Use: IMS
Dental Product Shopper
Dr. Izzy Naem
December 2017
Instrument Processing Myth Busters 
Marie T. Fluent, DDS
November 2017
Dental Economics
How Organized Are Your Instruments?
Rebecca Knight
Fall 2017
Sterilization Systems How to Build Your Practice's Central Sterilization Area
Andrea Cook
August 2017
Instrument Processing Efficiency
John A. Molinari, PhD
July 2017
Minimize Risk, Maximize Productivity
Marie T. Fluent, DDS
June 2017
Safety and Efficiency in Instrument Management
Mary Govoni
May 2017
Sharps Injuries Hurt
How Pacific Dental Services® Eliminated the Pain
The Trays vs. Cassette
Marie T. Fluent, DDS and
Catherine L. Pawloski, RDH, BSDH—December 2016
On your mark, cassette, get organized
Olivia Wann, JD, RDA
October 2016
Instrument processing and sterilization: Key considerations
John A. Molinari, PhD
November 2016
Tips for a predictable, positive, and productive workday
Marie T. Fluent, DDS and
Catherine L. Pawloski, RDH, BSDH
June 2016
Patients appreciate that instruments have been carefully processed for them and their intended procedure.
Marie Fluent, DDS
February 2016
Give Me Some Space! Following CDC Guidelines for an Ideal Central Sterilization Area
Olivia Wann, RDA, JD
November 2015
Instrument Cleaning: Why, Who, and, How?
Marie Fluent, DDS
November 2015
Infection Control Q and A: Instrument Processing
John A. Molinari, PHD
October 2015
Adding 'WOW' and Safety to your Dental Practice
Olivia Wann, RDA, JD
September 2015
Faster, Safer, More Efficient - All-In-One Integrated Cassette System - Dental Product Shopper
Dental Product Shopper
May 2015
Instrument Cassettes: Effective and Safe
John A. Molinari, PHD and Peri Nelson, B.S.
March 2015
Instrument Cassettes: Thinking Ahead
John A. Molinari, PHD
March 2015
Instrument Processing and Recirculation: Issues and Considerations
John A. Molinari, PHD
October 2014
Implementation of Cassettes: A Case Report-Part One
Marie T. Fluent, DDS
August 2014
Implementation of Cassettes: A Case Report - Part Two
Marie T. Fluent, DDS
August 2014
Just Let It Flow
Olivia Wann, RDA, BS
May 2014
IMS Troubleshooting Guide (IMS-375)
May 2014
Instrument Cassettes: And Effective Infection Control Precaution
Dr. John Molinari
August 2013
Dental Economics: Ouch!!!-I just got stuck!
Olivia Wann, RDA, BS
December 2012
Traveling the Instrument-Processing Pathway
John Molinari & Marie Fluent
March 2012
RDH: Instrument Cassettes
Mary Govoni
October 2011
Safe and Effective Instrument Cleaning
Mary Govoni
October 2011
Safety Management Programs: The Infection Control and Safety Considerations behind a Successful Program
Olivia Wann, RDA, BS
May 2011
Water Treatment
Basic Guidelines Dental Water Quality
John Molinari, PhD , DPR
February 2020
Boil Water Advisory - VistaClear™ and VistaPure™ SystemsDownload
Boil Water Advisory - DentaPure™ and Hu-Friedy® Waterline Filter CartridgesDownload
Maintaining Dental Unit Waterlines
Jim Chandler
Dental Products Report
February 2019
New Products: Hu-Friedy Waterline Filter, Dental Product Shopper, Fall 2018Download
Dental Economics: Dental Unit Water Quality Revisited
Mary Govoni
September 2017
Dental water line infection control: A work in progress
Dr. John A. Molinari
February 2017
Dental Economics: Dental Unit Water Lines: From Inferential to Documented Evidence
Dr. John Molinari
January 2013
Office Closure & Re-opening Protocols - VistaPure™ Water Purification SystemDownload
Hand hygiene
Hand Hygiene: Are Dental Professionals Doing It Right?
Karen Daw
Dentistry IQ
December 2019
give yourself a hand: hand hygiene considerations for dental professionals
olivia wann, jd, rda, phd
december 2017
effective, sensible, and safe hand hygiene
john molinari, phd
december 2016
hand hygiene compliance in the dental settings
marie t. fluent, dds
march 2015
healthy hands for dental professionals
leslie canham
march/april 2015
hand washing: are we becoming complacent?
mary govoni
september 2013
hand hygiene in the dental setting: reducing the risk of infection
marie t. fluent
september 2013
hand hygiene: did mother really know best?
marie t. fluent
october 2012
hand care: a critical step in infection prevention
mary govoni
april 2012
hand washing products: what to use and when
mary govoni
august 2011
the first step in infection control is hand hygiene
leslie canham
january/february 2011
your most important asset: protect your hands from infection
mary govoni
january 2011
Biological and Sterilization Monitoring
Sterilization Monitoring with Spore Tests: Q&A with an Infection Control Coordinator
Marie T. Fluent, DDS
Dentistry IQ - November 2019
instrument recirculation: maximizing the process
john a. molinari, phd
february 2016
steam sterilization integrators — an important component for quality assurance in dental instrument sterilization
mary govoni
july 2013
Cleaning & Care
The Power of Clean
Marie T. Fluent
May 2018
New Products: Cleaning Monitors
Importance of Instrument Cleaning and Cleaning Monitors
John A. Molinari, PhD and Peri Nelson
April 2016
help make your staff keen to being green
mary govoni
april 2012
ultrasonic cleaning solutions: are you getting the most from yours?
mary govoni
july 2011
Surface Disinfectant
10 environmental surface cleaning tips
Marie T. Fluent, DDS
November 2018
Choosing the Right Disinfectant
Wave Truscott, PhD
August 2018
DPS AdvantaClear Product Focus March 2018Download
SDS Data Sheets
advantaclear™ surface disinfectant liquid (MSDS-073)download
advantaclear™ surface disinfectant wipes - english (MSDS-072)download
autoclave wrap safety data sheet englishdownload
autoclave wrap safety data sheet frenchdownload
enzymatic spray gel material safety data sheet- englishdownload
enzymatic spray gel material safety data sheet- frenchdownload
enzymax earth liquid safety data sheet- englishdownload
enzymax earth liquid safety data sheet- frenchdownload
enzymax earth powder safety data sheet- englishdownload
enzymax earth powder safety data sheet- frenchdownload
enzymax liquid concentrate material safety data sheet- englishdownload
enzymax liquid concentrate material safety data sheet- frenchdownload
enzymax liquid material safety data sheet- englishdownload
enzymax liquid material safety data sheet- frenchdownload
enzymax powder safety data sheet- englishdownload
enzymax powder safety data sheet- frenchdownload
hu-friedy hand essentials antibacterial soap - english (MSDS-015)download
hu-friedy hand essentials antibacterial soap - french (MSDS-016)download
hu-friedy hand essentials hand antiseptic gel - english (MSDS-018)download
hu-friedy hand essentials hand antiseptic gel - french (MSDS-018)download
hu-friedy hand essentials lotion soap - english (MSDS-019)download
hu-friedy hand essentials lotion soap - french (MSDS-020)download
hu-friedy hand essentials lotion soap - french (MSDS-020)download
hu-friedy hand essentials moisturizing lotion - english (MSDS-021)download
hu-friedy hand essentials moisturizing lotion - french (MSDS-022)download
hu-friedy hand essentials skin repair cream - english (MSDS-023)download
hu-friedy hand essentials skin repair cream - french (MSDS-024)download
ILS instrument lubricant safety data sheet- englishdownload
ILS instrument lubricant safety data sheet- frenchdownload
IMS daily clean material safety data sheet- englishdownload
IMS daily clean material safety data sheet- frenchdownload
ips penetrating oil safety data sheet- englishdownload
ips penetrating oil safety data sheet- frenchdownload
shine renew instrument stain and rust remover - safety data sheet – englishdownload
shine renew instrument stain and rust remover - safety data sheet – frenchdownload
sterillium comfort gel - english (MSDS-029)download
sterillium comfort gel - french (MSDS-030)download
steam sterilization integrator SDS – englishdownload
steam sterilization integrator SDS – frenchdownload
universal wrap safety data sheet – englishdownload
universal wrap safety data sheet – frenchdownload
vistaclean irrigant solution concentrate safety data sheet- englishdownload
vistaclean irrigant solution concentrate safety data sheet- frenchdownload
vistatab antimicrobial tablets safety data sheet- englishdownload
vistatab antimicrobial tablets safety data sheet- frenchdownload
How to Videos
how to apply a needle cap holder - infinity cassettesclick to watch
how to install a replacement rail - infinity cassettesclick to watch
how to place an air and water clip - infinity cassettesclick to watch
how to place hinged instrument clips - infinityclick to watch
how to seal a pouch properly - infinity cassettesclick to watch
how to wrap a cassette - standard gift style infinity cassettesclick to watch
how to wrap a cassette - hospital style infinity cassettesclick to watch