Instrument Trade-In Programs & Demos
To help you make the right investment, HuFriedyGroup offers you no risk try-and-buy programs and value-added trade in programs.
Ultrasonic Scaling In-Office Presentation
Experience the unrivaled comfort of HuFriedyGroup’s power scaling devices with a hands-on demonstration presented by one of our knowledgeable sales representatives in your office. Try out the device with their guidance and get your questions answered before you purchase, giving you peace of mind that you are investing in a product your practice will love to use.
Please click here to request an In-Office Presentation
Stainless Steel Pedo Crown Trade-In Program
Find the perfect fit for your practice: simply send in your empty pediatric crowns kit and HuFriedyGroup will send you a fully stocked Pedo Crowns intro kit–that’s 48 crowns valued at $260, absolutely free*.
Please visit our Pedo Crowns Information Page to learn more!
HuFriedyGroup makes performing at your best easy, because you can “try it before you buy it.” Call 1-800-Hu-Friedy to take advantage of one of these great programs today.
*HuFriedyGroup Pedo Crowns sold in the US only. Offer applies to pediatric dentists only.