Dental Unit Waterline Treatment
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The long and narrow design of DUWLs creates the perfect breeding ground for microbial growth. When untreated, or improperly maintained, the water flowing through these contaminated DUWLs and out through dynamic instruments used during treatment can potentially harm your patients, staff and practice reputation.
In recent years, headlines have brought attention to contaminated dental treatment water that resulted in the hospitalization and treatment for Mycobacteria (NTM) infections following pulpotomies in over 90 pediatric patients. However, the negative effects on overall health from contaminated treatment water is not limited to pediatric patients. Practitioners may not become aware of patient illness in the weeks following treatment as patients may not associate post-treatment illness with their dental visit. Just as important is the potential impact to clinicians from constant exposure to contaminated aerosol.

Iodine Test Strips

VistaClean™ Irrigant Solution Concentrate

VistaTab™ Dental Waterline Cleaner Tablets

Liquid Ultra™ Solution

Hu-Friedy Waterline Filter - Canada

Hu-Friedy Waterline Filter

DentaPure™ Independent Water Bottle Cartridge

DentaPure™ Municipally Plumbed Dental Unit Cartridge

VistaClear™ DP Centralized Waterline Treatment System

VistaClear™ DP Centralized Waterline Treatment System - Canada